Friday, May 11, 2012

Tropical Life - Rediscovering coconut oil

Hi folks,
Thanks for stopping by.
Having born and brought up in a tropical paradise and then living for 15 years in another tropical paradise with an entirely different culture, has had a humbling effect on me. I started looking for similarities than differences.

My understanding of life in a nutshell is “the quest for balance”. I have always been fascinated by nature. And I sometimes get overwhelmed thinking about the sheer creativity with which the nature ensured the balance of life in every place, every climate. It took many years for me to understand one of the nature’s gifts that rejuvenate life in the tropics.

What is common about Bahamas, Caribbeans, Indonesia, Srilanka, Kerala, Goa, Philippines? – It is coconut. People in these places, either like coconut (which majority of them do) or they hate coconut due to the overwhelming ways in which it is being used. I didn’t hate coconut, but I hated coconut oil. Not for its culinary use, but for its external use. I hated its smell and its oily feeling on the skin and hair. Whatever problems you had, be it dry skin, bad hair day, skin rashes, scars, insect bites or winter skin, my folks would say "apply some coconut oil". And I was like “Grrrr… folks, get a life outside the coconut. You guys are coco-NUTS”. And… the first thing I did as soon as I had my own household was to eradicate coconut oil from my house.

Years later, in the tropical island of Singapore I came across two strange incidents. One, I came across a cancer survivor who drinks two teaspoons of coconut oil daily for a healthy life. Two, I came across this beautiful modern lady Michelle with the most beautiful curls. While sipping a glass of vodka she claimed that coconut oil is the secret behind her glowing skin and shiny curls. I was like “what the… Why are these people talking like my folks? Are my folks brainwashing everybody I come across so that I will eventually become a coconut oil devotee!!!”

I decided to give coconut oil the benefit of the doubt and resorted to Lord Google. Google told me everything my folks had told me was right and gave me the explanations (may be that is what I wanted) for that. Sadly I realized that my folks were not obsessed with coconut, but coconut was equipped with a whole lot of nutrients. Here is some interesting facts I came across coconuts for its marvelous effects on beauty and skin.

Drink two teaspoons of virgin coconut oil a day and get glowing skin and ever soft tresses. Make sure it is not hydrogenated. I came across many articles that explain how innocent and beneficial virgin coconut oil compared to its not-so-innocent hydrogenated sister is. Incidentally many studies that made coconut oil a cholesterol villain were performed on the hydrogenated version.  The virgin version apparently does not produce those negative effects. So, Go Virgin!!!

Apply coconut oil to your skin half an hour before shower for a beautifully hydrated, radiant and healthy skin. It is said to delay aging effects and prevent wrinkles. Coconut oil has moisture locking capacity, which doesn’t let moisture escape through skin and hair. It has medium chain triglycerides and sebum, the natural oil that our body produces, also contains medium chain triglycerides. This makes both perfect partners in protecting our skin. Hehe... the nerd in me got excited seeing the scientific facts behind it.

People claim that prolonged use of coconut oil can improve your complexion. Ever since I started swimming, I noticed my skin turning lifeless, dull and dark. And it stayed on even after I took a break from swimming. Although I was never that interested in my looks or taking care of my skin, I started missing my old skin. Taking the organic plunge, I started applying coconut oil on the skin and leave it for half an hour before I wash it off, two times a day. I can already see some improvement in the skin texture and faint streaks of resemblence to my old skin. This is enough encouragement for me and I am determined to continue this routine.

Apply coconut oil on your hair before you take that splash into the swimming pool. It will prevent hair damage due to chlorine to a certain extent. Apply it on your body after swimming, it will sooth your skin.

Coconut oil has a small molecule that can pass through our skin and hair cuticles and pack them with helluva nutrients. It is a good hair conditioner and give you jet-black hair. Although I am not a fan of jet-black hair (personally, I prefer black hair with a little brownish tint), people say I have one.  I don’t know whether I should credit this to my genes or the oil massage my mom used to give me when I was young. It even helps to repair hair that got damaged due to repeated exposure to treatments. And it helps in fighting dandruff – leave it overnight on the hair and scalp. Let me add, there has been no study that claims coconut oil can turn blondes to brunettes J . That was horrible, wasn’t it?

If applied topically, it claims to reduce skin rashes and heal wounds faster. It applies a chemical layer that prevents it from the attack of dust and other bugs from outside.

I still see many skeptics out there, like me, who are still not convinced. Here are some facts for you:
Coconut oil is the nature's richest source of medium chain triglycerides that helps to fight infection. It contains Vitamin E, Lauric Acid and Capric Acid. I do not need to say anything about the benefits of Vitamin E to the skin. Do you know that the reason behind the hair fall is due to some microbial actions on the scalp? The antimicrobial properties of Lauric acid help in fighting those nasty microbes and regain a head full of hair. Capric Acid also has antimicrobial properties.

In tropics, because of the sunlight throughout the year, people need something that can protect and provide source of energy and rejuvenation to body, skin and soul. I am beginning to see that may be coconut plays a major role here in the form of the fruit, oil and the juice.

I have started appreciating the fruity smell of coconut oil and I feel energized when I feel its oily texture on my skin. Am I also getting too obsessed with coconut oil here??? Would love to hear your experience with coconut oil. Tell me peeps…
